Advising on issues regarding raising of funds for expansion projects and plans
Assisting clients choose the best combination or best mode of financing for their financing needs, at the best cost and terms
Raising finance through debt or equity for our clients in a timely manner at the best possible terms
Helping clients to negotiate the terms of financing
Consultation for public issue matters
Providing Certification regarding public issue matters
Providing necessary consultation for private equity matters
Helping clients in debt swapping and financing dispute settlement matters with financial institutions
Merger and acquisition advisory
Providing assistance to clients in identifying opportunities to merge with or acquire other businesses.
Helping clients in each stage of the process of M&A till successful completion of the transaction
Financial due diligence
From the buyer’s perspective to prevent paying too much
From the seller’s perspective to prevent receiving too little
Corporate restructuring advisory
Advising our clients on group restructuring / reorganization, private placements, financial restructuring etc.
Helping clients to define the objective of restructuring and to determine the right structure for a transaction
Helping clients consider and deal with the related issues including tax, legal, accounting and regulatory etc.
Providing continuous support to clients throughout implementation of the restructuring
Valuations of business entities / shareholdings for merger, acquisition, separation or re-structuring
Independent Expert opinion on valuation reports
Helping clients valuing intangible assets, e.g. brands, goodwill, intellectual property, to get maximum tax benefit or financial reporting requirements (i.e. IFRS)
Helping clients in impairment review of assets for accounting & IFRS compliances and for assets transfers etc.
Helping clients in evaluating major investment decision to enhance business value through investment appraisals
Developing Financial feasibilities for clients
Developing Financial modelling for clients
Business Advisory
Assisting clients in developing their annual budgets and strategic business plans (for medium term to long term periods)
Assisting clients in Cash flow planning and managing cash flows
Representing on boards of private, public and listed companies as independent director
Acting as an advisor to CEOs for all key business decisions
Helping clients in identifying areas of cost reduction and improvement in operational efficiencies to increase profitability and business value
Helping in drafting wills and family agreements
Assisting in family governance and settlement issues
Assisting in personal financial investment planning
Helping clients in arranging credit ratings and providing guidance to improve the financial ratios for different stakeholders
Helping clients in getting Top Companies Award of PSX, best corporate report award of ICAP/ICMAP and Corporate Excellence Award of Management Association of Pakistan (MAP)
Helping clients in getting different ISO certification
Advisory services on employees’ benefit plans and registrations thereof, etc.